Preparing For Exterior House Painting | Tips And Tricks For Homeowners

They say real estate is all about "location, location, location." However, did you know that exterior house painting is all about "preparation, preparation, preparation?" Before you start exterior house painting, it's important to properly prepare the surface to ensure the best results. Exterior painting can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, you'll have a beautiful, long-lasting finish. Here's what you need to know.

How Do You Prep for Exterior House Painting?

There are several things you can do as a homeowner to prepare for exterior house painting, including:

Evaluate the Surface

Before beginning any painting project, it's important to evaluate the surface to determine the best approach. For example, if there are areas with peeling or chipped paint, you'll need to carefully scrape away the old paint and sand the area before proceeding with a new coat to ensure proper adhesion. By taking the time to evaluate the surface, you'll be able to address any issues before painting to ensure a smooth finish.

Clean the Exterior

Before painting, it's important to ensure that your exterior surfaces are clean and free of any debris. Use a power washer to remove dirt, grime, cobwebs, old insect nests, and any loose paint. Additionally, be sure to remove any debris around windows, doors, and other areas that will be painted.

Protect the Surroundings

Painting can be a messy job, so it's important to take steps to protect your surroundings. Cover any nearby plants, bushes, or other perimeter landscaping with drop cloths or tarps. Be sure to cover any outdoor furniture, grills, or other objects that paint could damage. Use painter's tape to protect trim, windows, and other areas that will not be painted the main color.

Prime and Seal

Priming your surface is an essential step in the painting process. Primer helps the paint adhere to the surface, and it can also help seal any stains or marks. Be sure to use a high-quality primer appropriate for the surface, such as wood, metal, or brick. Once the primer has fully dried, choose a high-quality paint as well.

What if the Above Is Way Too Much Work?

If you're not feeling up to the task of preparing for exterior house painting on your own, consider utilizing professional painters. Professional painters have the experience, knowledge, and necessary tools to ensure a beautiful and long-lasting finish. Paint prep is all in a day's work for them. Plus, a professional painter can provide advice on color selection and the best types of paint for your home's exterior.

When it comes to exterior house painting, preparation is key. By taking the time to evaluate your surface, clean the area, protect your surroundings, and apply primer and high-quality paint, you can achieve a beautiful, professional finish. Whether you decide to tackle the job on your own or enlist the help of professional painters, preparation is essential for a successful and long-lasting paint job.
