Why Should You Consider Splurging On Premium Vinyl Siding?

Replacing the vinyl siding on your home is a surprisingly big decision. Your home's siding is its first line of defense against the elements and one of its most visible aesthetic features. While choosing the right trim, exterior window treatments, and other additions can make a big difference in how your home appears, nothing takes up quite as much visual real estate as your siding. 

When choosing new vinyl siding for your home, you'll probably spend the most time thinking about the texture and color you want. While these are big decisions, it's important to consider the practical aspects of your new siding. Although high-end, premium siding will cost you more upfront, it's an investment that can pay off in the long run.

What's Makes Premium Siding Special?

There are many different types and brands of vinyl siding, but there are a few features that all higher-end options tend to share. First and foremost, thickness is often the defining characteristic of higher-end siding. Vinyl siding manufacturers measure thickness in thousandths of an inch, also known as millimeters. Contractors often divide siding options into grades, with higher grades being much thicker than lower ones.

Thicker siding is, in general, superior to thinner siding options. The thicker your vinyl siding, the better it can resist impacts without damage. Thicker sidings also tend to have a little more flexibility, which allows them to "give" a bit before they break. Thinner siding tends to be more brittle and prone to cracking, so impacts can cause visible damage to the panels and force a replacement.

Premium grades tend to have a few other advantages, including better additives to provide UV protection. Like any plastic, vinyl can degrade and change color due to UV exposure. All manufacturers use additives to help prevent this from occurring, so cheap siding is unlikely to degrade rapidly, but premium siding will often last longer while still looking brand-new.

Is Premium Siding Worth It for Your Home?

If you're on a tight budget, thinner (or "builder-grade") vinyl siding options will work fine. While siding that falls into this grade will generally be less durable and offer little, if any, insulating qualities, it will still work well enough and be generally acceptable. However, premium siding may be worth considering if it can fit into your budget.

Over the long run, going with a premium option can save you money by adding insulation to your home and minimizing the need for repairs and maintenance. Since your siding will last longer and look better, you won't need to worry about premature replacements due to fading or other problems. Higher-quality siding can also improve curb appeal and even be a selling point for some homes.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do is work with your contractor to select siding from a reputable and reliable manufacturer. This approach will ensure you get a high-quality option from your home, whether you prefer premium siding or a more budget-friendly alternative.

Contact a local vinyl siding service, such as J & T Siding, Inc., to learn more. 
