Why You Might Need A New Roof Installed

When it comes to your home, nothing is more important than your roof. This essential component of your home protects you from the elements, keeps rain and snow off your furniture, and provides a layer of insulation. But over time, your roof can begin to show its age. Leaks, mold, and high energy bills are all indications that your roof needs a tune-up or a total replacement.

Mold or Dampness in the Attic

The home's attic requires plenty of ventilation and should settle at about the same temperature as the outdoor temperature. If there is proper ventilation inside the attic then it shouldn't let any moisture in. In the event that you find moisture in your attic, you can be sure your roof is not in good working order. Moist air should flow through your air vents, but if it is stuck inside, that can lead to condensation. Condensation can then develop into mold and rotted wood. If you see evidence of mold or wood rot, then you should call a roofing specialist immediately.

Obvious Leaks

If sunlight is shining through your roof when you're in your attic or if water is dripping in, that is another sign that your roof needs repair. However, in extreme cases, roof replacement might be in your future. When your roof has leaks, that means the nails have fallen out or any weatherproofing materials that were there have stopped working. Since water damage is seriously detrimental to the integrity of your roof, you should call a roofing contractor to look at your roof as soon as possible.

Very High Energy Bills

Even though energy costs vary, if your bills are much higher than you're used to that could be a red flag that your roof is in bad shape. Air can escape due to poor insulation or ventilation so if it's going through your roof you need to repair it. Energy bills on their own aren't a sign that you need an entirely new roof but if you're noticing larger bills plus other warning signs, you should contact a contractor for an assessment.

As you can see, there are a number of signs that could mean your roof needs repair. If you notice any of these signs, it's time to get in touch with a professional. When you have a roof that is in good shape, it will keep your home comfortable and your energy costs down. However, if you notice any of these signs, it's best to get your roof in tip-top shape as soon as possible.

For more information, contact a roofer in your area.
