Gutter Installation: Professional Gutter Installation Contractor Versus DIY

Gutters assist in draining rainwater away from your home's foundation and your garden. Thus, installing gutters protects your garden from soil erosion and your home's foundation from water damage. However, the quality of the gutter installation determines how effectively the gutters protect your home.

Whenever a homeowner wants to install or replace their gutters, they often ponder whether they should DIY the gutter installations or hire a professional gutter installation contractor. Though it is quite possible to install a gutter yourself, hiring a professional contractor for the gutter installation project is the best option. Here are three reasons you should let a professional install your gutters instead of doing it yourself.

Safety Precautions

Installing gutters requires holding up a seam and attaching it to the roof while standing on a ladder several feet off the ground. Thus, there is the risk of losing balance and falling of the ladder, which would result in death or a severe injury if you're lucky. 

In most cases, homeowners do not have the necessary safety equipment professional gutter installation contractors use to protect themselves from falling off the ladder or roof. Hence, it becomes a life-risking DIY project.

Besides, you never know if you will be one of those cases where a homeowner falls off a roof while attempting a DIY gutter installation. Therefore, do not take the risk. Let a professional contractor handle the gutter installation for you.

Cost and Quality of Materials

Professional gutter installation companies purchase their materials in bulk direct from the manufacturer because a bulk purchase often warrants a discount. Hence, they can provide you with the materials required for gutter installation at a subsidized price. However, if you go to a hardware store to buy the materials, you will purchase them at much higher retail prices. Thus, you can save money on the cost of gutter installation materials by hiring a professional contractor.

Additionally, a professional gutter installation contractor has more knowledge and experience dealing with materials from different manufacturers. Therefore, they are in a position to recommend the best brands with durable gutters. However, if you walk into a hardware store to buy gutters, chances are you will choose the cheapest materials available to save money. However, cheap and good quality rarely go together. Hence, you might buy gutters of the lowest quality that will not last long before they need repairs.

Quality Work

Installing gutters requires a lot of calculations for the channel to function correctly. Some homeowners may decide to Google the calculations but lack the necessary expertise to follow the calculations when installing the gutter system. Thus the DIY installed gutter might retain water instead of draining it away.

Thus, if you want the guarantee of a quality gutter installation that functions appropriately, then a professional contractor is your best bet. Gutter installation contractors have received training on practically applying their calculations when installing a gutter system. Hence, the chances of error are minimal.
