Winter Brings Leaky Roofs

With winter often comes leaky roofs. Rain, snow, and ice are generally not friendly to your roof. This can leave you with quite a dilemma on your hands. However, this guide shows you what causes leaky roofs in the wintertime and what you can do about them.

What Causes Leaky Roofs in the Winter?

There are many reasons for leaky roofs in the winter, including poor weather causing bad shingles to give way. Shingles could be quite old or may very well have been placed on your roof incorrectly. Obstructed water flow also results in leaks, especially during the winter months. When it rains or snows, the water can get caught in the gutters because debris prevents it from flowing away from your home. Poor indoor ventilation and humidity inside can also lead to leaky roofs. If you live somewhere that remains humid in the winter, you should make sure that the attic area is well ventilated. Alternatively, you might consider the fact that your roof could be missing pieces. Water can seep in through flashing and vents.

How Can You Prevent Winter Leaks?

There are a few ways you can prevent leaks from taking over in the winter. For one, you can get regular roof inspections. Regular cleanings and maintenance are also an important part of avoiding leaks throughout the winter. You should also pay attention to potential leaks and sources of wetness in your ceiling. If you see something, get help right away. Likewise, you should improve the ventilation of your home, especially if you live somewhere that is humid throughout the winter. You can do this by insulating your home properly and possibly even getting a dehumidifier.

What If You Do Have a Leak?

If it is wintertime and you do spring a leak, put down some towels and buckets. Try to catch the water coming in while you wait for a professional to arrive. At this time, you should also turn down your heat a bit. Otherwise, you may face the issue of creating ice dams. Ice dams can lead to melting ice that leads to more water damage in your home.

Roofing Contractors Can Help You

A roofing contractor can help you determine how to deal with wintertime leaks. If you are worried about leaks in the cold, wet weather, get help right away. A roofing contractor can find the source of the problem and fix it. Contact a roofing contractor for more information. 
